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Beneath The Waves - Dan Y Môr

4.8 ( 848 ratings )
開発者 Animated Technologies

Interactive Historical Maps: Navigate through Holyheads historical maps and discover the evolution of its maritime landscape. Trace the footsteps of historical shipwrecks and uncover hidden gems along the coastline.

Engaging Audiovisual Content: Immerse yourself in engaging audio and visual content that brings Holyheads maritime history to life, engaging app users of all ages.

Walking Tours and Trails: Embark on self-guided tours and trails that take you to significant maritime sites in Holyhead. Following the trails allows for a fantastic opportunity to spend time with friends or family, while exploring and learning.

Collect Badges: Head to these historical sites yourself, challenge your friends and family to see who can collect the most about this engaging topic

Mapiau Hanesyddol rhyngweithiol: Mordwyo drwy fapiau hanesyddol Caergybi a darganfod yr esblygiad ei thirwedd forwrol. Olrhain llongddrylliadau hanesyddol a datgelu gemau cudd ar hyd yr arfordir.

Cynnwys Clyweledol Deniadol: Trochi eich hun mewn cynnwys clywedol a gweledol syn dod â hanes morwrol Caergybi yn fyw, gan ennyn diddordeb defnyddwyr apiau o bob oed.

Teithiau Cerdded a Llwybrau: Ewch ar deithiau a llwybrau hunan-dywys syn mynd â chi i safleoedd morwrol sylweddol yng Nghaergybi. Mae dilyn y llwybrau yn gyfle gwych i dreulio amser gyda ffrindiau neu deulu, wrth archwilio a dysgu.

Casglwch Fathodynnau: Ewch ir safleoedd hanesyddol hyn eich hun, heriwch eich ffrindiau ach teulu i weld pwy all gasglur mwyaf am y pwnc deniadol hwn.